UChicago EM

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Fellowship


Primary Clinical Site

Fellow Experiences


Fellowship Faculty

Applicant Information

The curriculum is designed to cover the core content of EMS Medicine throughout the fellowship year and is organized into a modular schedule of EMS topics.  Fellowship conference is held each week and is led by EMS faculty to include the following educational experiences:

  • “EMS rounds” on a case-based presentation and discussion of EMS specific patient management issues 
  • Didactic content based on textbook chapters and supplemental readings
  • Quality improvement seminar
  • Research seminar
  • Wellness seminar
  • Joint conferences with other subspecialties

Journal reviews are held quarterly with the fellow and fellowship faculty off site to promote wellness

EMS case reviews are held quarterly by the fellow and fellowship faculty with EMS agencies and EMS training programs

EMS Fellowship – Conference Module Schedule

Module Month Topic
1 July General Principles of EMS Medical Direction
2 August Aeromedical EMS and Medical Direction
3 September Incident Management and Disaster Preparedness
4 October EMS Special Operations
5 November Advancing Knowledge and Quality in EMS
6 December EMS Personnel and Safety
7 January  Mobile Integrated Healthcare and the Future of EMS
8 February Regionalization and EMS Systems of Care
9 March  Field Resuscitation and Critical Care Transport
10 April  EMS Medical Direction in the Austere Environment
11 May EMS Medical Direction for Special Populations
12 June Medical Direction and System Management


The fellow attends the Medical Directors Course (MDC) as part of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) annual meeting.

In preparation for the EMS Board Certification examination, the fellow participates in board-style question review and sits for the EMS In Training Examination in the spring.