The EMS Experience
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is an approved subspecialty of Emergency Medicine, and our residents are actively involved in this diverse and emerging field. The goal of our curriculum is to provide residents with a broad exposure to the different aspects of EMS, to foster an appreciation for the field of prehospital medicine especially as it intersects with emergency medicine, and to provide opportunities for interested residents to explore a career in EMS.
The University of Chicago is a Resource Hospital in the Region 11 Chicago EMS System and provides Online Medical Control to EMTs and Paramedics through the Base Station in the Emergency Department. Our residents are integrated into the Chicago EMS System during the Base Station course to become an Emergency Communication Physician (ECP) during orientation. This course is followed by a dedicated one week EMS rotation during intern year. As part of the rotation, residents have shifts answering the EMS Radio, EMS Ride Time, 911 Center Observation, and EMS System Meetings.
The EMS curriculum is supplemented by didactic sessions during EM resident conference. For residents interested in pursuing EMS as a career, there are opportunities for mentorship, longitudinal projects, or additional EMS involvement in education, research, quality improvement, and tactical EMS.