Resident Life
When not hard at work, our EM residents also know how to have a good time. From the first day of orientation, a strong effort is made by the UChicago EM residency program to make each resident feel welcome as a part of a large family. Realizing that it can be somewhat difficult to know your co-residents (and especially your same classmates) outside of a clinical setting, our EM residency program has made it a top priority to foster camaraderie outside of the workplace as well.Throughout the course of each year, the EM residency program supports a number of opportunities for residents to socialize with each other and release some of the stresses associated with being an ED physician. These events, in addition to the various impromptu outings that residents organize on their own, encourage bonding amongst the group. Most of our residents build long-lasting relationships that continue well beyond graduation!
Intern Events
Every quarter the wellness chiefs and interns on their anesthesia rotation plan an “intern event” that the rest of the residents can also attend! Special funding is set aside for food and activities for these events. Events from the past few years have included kayaking on the Chicago river, rollerskating, picnics on the lakefront, and a trip to a trampoline park.

Residency Families
Residency families are composed of 1-2 attendings and 1-2 members of each class. They are assigned before the interns arrive for orientation, which allows the interns to have an immediate smaller set of mentors and people to get to know. Residency families typically get together at least once per quarter for fun outings like dinner on one of Chicago’s many beautiful rooftop restaurants, Whirleyball, axe throwing, putt putt golf, or a day of lounging in the sun at the beach.